Deep Ecology Workshop

Charles Buchwald & Friends staff will be attending a new workshop on Salt Spring Island this weekend. Here are the details: The Work That Reconnects: Discovering Our Ecological Self Sunday, July 19th “our pain is a measure of our love for our world”... is Live!

Hands On Healing Bodywork has completed collaborative efforts with Charles Buchwald & Friends that has resulted in a new website. The new site is live and online now. This WordPress powered site is presented with a custom theme that incorporates a logo previously...

130% Wind Powered Servers

The computers that run all of our hosting here at Charles Buchwald & Friends can use a lot of energy. Despite the fact that the hardware we use is Energy Star compliant, it’s still a lot of heat and energy required to keep them running around the clock,...

New Work: Raincoast Grizzly Project Photos

Coming up soon, look for photos from the Bella Bella, BC region, possibly including grizzly bears, eagles, whales and lots of marine life. Charles is heading North to shoot photos for the Raincoast Conservation Society’s project tracking and indexing grizzly...

New Work: North End Fitness

Peter Vincent of North End Fitness here on Salt Spring Island, has chosen to work with Charles Buchwald & Friends. Look for more soon! The newly revised site went live yesterday! By retaining and expanding the content from an existing static HTML site, CB&F...

Welcome, Ella!

Charles Buchwald & Friends is proud to welcome Ella Topaz aboard as Projects Coordinator. Ella has extensive business experience as an administrator and coordinator, as well as a penchant for design, writing, editing and content development. Company founder and...

RMG Live, with CB&F!

We’re proud announce that Retail Marketing Group’s new web site has gone live! RMG’s Doug Muldoon came to Charles Buchwald & Friends to develop a site highlighting RMG’s extensive experience and expertise in the retail natural foods sector,...

Which Bicycle?

A friend wrote today to tell me he’s selling his truck and buying a bike. Yay! … one less car! He knows I’m a bike nut, and asked for my opinion about a bike for transportation. Here’s a slightly expanded version of my reply… Bike reviews...

New Work: Salt Spring Jazz & Blues Society

Charles is now working with The Salt Spring Jazz and Blues Society to revise their current website, and incorporate new graphic design and logo design by Michael Wall of Angle Design. Watch for a site debut announcement here, in time for this year’s Jazz...

New Work: Noble Studio & Peter Allen

Welcome to new client Peter Allen of Noble Studio. Peter has contracted with Charles Buchwald for portfolio photography and web services. Watch for the site debut announcement here!