5 Apr 2013 | Design, New Work, Tech
Bensire Carpets has been working with Charles Buchwald & Friends for the last year, and the results are finally live: http://bensire.com This WordPress based site incorporates a number of interesting and unique features, a carefully crafted custom theme, and a...
15 Nov 2012 | Design, Tech
If you are using the LiveCode development environment, check out the plugins we’ve developed: lcResTool and lcMover. lcResTool helps you size your windows to a variety of common mobile device sizes. There are options for orientation, e.g. landscape vs. portrait,...
6 Sep 2012 | Marketing, News, Tech
Charles Buchwald and Friends is consulting on software development, corporate identity programme, and a marketing campaign for a new “green power” initiative in Veracruz, Mexico and Mexico City, DF. This exciting new initiative is anticipated to debut this...