New Updates: lcMover and lcResTool, Plugins for LiveCode

My free plugin utilities for LiveCode developers, lcMover and lcResTool have been updated to versions 1.2 and 1.4 respectively. There are bug fixes and new features for dealing with the new scaleFactor property, as well as a few tweaks and some fine tuning. There is...

Bensire Rolls Out New Site

Bensire Carpets has been working with Charles Buchwald & Friends for the last year, and the results are finally live: This WordPress based site incorporates a number of interesting and unique features, a carefully crafted custom theme, and a...

LiveCode Going Open Source

My favourite development tool is going opensource… or trying to do so. The development team has posted the whole initiative on Kickstarter, and it looks to be gaining momentum. If you are at all interested in great tools, please consider a small donation. In...

lcResTool and lcMover LiveCode Plugins Released

If you are using the LiveCode development environment, check out the plugins we’ve developed: lcResTool and lcMover. lcResTool helps you size your windows to a variety of common mobile device sizes. There are options for orientation, e.g. landscape vs. portrait,...

New Interactives for Museo La Tallera Siqueiros

CB&F has just completed a project in consultation with Museografica SC, to produce iOS based computer interactives for the Museo La Tallera Siqueiros in Cuernavaca, Mexico. The interactives have been deployed on Apple iPads running iOS. They help make available a...

Sunshine State of Mind

Charles Buchwald & Friends is happy to announce the start of consulting to a south Florida company to provide programming services in support of a new software initiative. We’ve got to keep most of it under wraps for now, but check back for news as we rocket...

Green Power!

Charles Buchwald and Friends is consulting on software development, corporate identity programme, and a marketing campaign for a new “green power” initiative in Veracruz, Mexico and Mexico City, DF. This exciting new initiative is anticipated to debut this...