Better Manuals
A few simple points like these can make the difference between instructions or a manual that will help and support your user versus one that will frustrate and discourage. Often these materials are your users first contact with your support system. Leave them with a positive feeling about how you take their enthusiasm for your product or service seriously and with care, and the effort will be well repaid.
Yanko Design News
Here’s another interesting source Yanko Design – Modern Industrial Design News. It’s sort of an unfiltered, shallow-but-broad collection, but there are some interesting comments and lots of articles. Technorati Tags: industrial design,...Big on Small
I’m a big guy who likes small things. “Big” is not just a vague, subjective call. I’m 5cm short of 2 meters tall, and 100 kilo’s. Anthropometric studies peg my size at the 95th percentile for North America. (This is especially convenient...Peregrine’s Perch
Here’s another shameless plug: my old house is for sale: check it out. It’s a beautiful, quiet location not far from Ganges, and a 2 minute walk from some very beautiful coves and beaches. Great for biking into the famous Saturday Market. It has broadband...Found on Flickr
Flickr makes it easy to share store, organize and share photos. It’s a great tool for both business and personal life. If you want to be found on Flickr, though, it takes just a few moments longer. Here are a few tips for getting the most out of this great...Apple’s Design Process
Somewhat surprisingly to me, BusinessWeek has become a high profile advocate for design, and especially industrial design. They have regular articles, both in print and on the web, and they even have a design competition. This article by Helen Walters has some...The Janet Greene Fund
Janet Greene was about as positive a person as you might ever meet. Most of the time I spent with her was at my mother’s family’s cottage in Thousand Islands Park in upstate New York. I have fond memories of evening walks among the beautiful Victorian...The Joy of Reading
Books are my favorite present to receive, and among my favorite to give. I recently stumbled upon a bookshelf application in facebook.